This past weekend we had a decent amount of rain. I happen to be someone who loves the rain. I love he sound, I love to watch it fall down. I love sleeping during it and I actually do love to walk in it. It's relaxing, peaceful, allows me to come back from that walking feeling refreshed and better then I have in a little while. It's a nice feeling, so needless to say, when I went out for walks twice on Saturday it was a great thing! There was enough raininess to make me feel so very smiley and happy afterwards. Might be a bit of a weird thing, but the person who calls me normal is a liar and well, we all have our quirks! It's what makes each of our real life character sheets a slight bit different and it's completely a good thing!
As I was walking in the rain I was reminded of a couple of larp events I have gone to in the past. No one has EVER been able to say I hide from the rain at larps. Now I know there are other's out there, however in my experience, if it's rainy, downpouring or snowing, people tend to hide away from the weather. It's not a thing I usually do, unless I'm sick, because then it's a whole different ball game, silly low constitution scores! These event were no different because I refuse to let the weather take away my fun.
The first time that I tend to think about, I was an NPC. Playing a dryad, which if you don't know the lore on those, are pretty much one with the trees. NO hippy jokes, or else! As this character I was more of a druid or ranger then anything else I suppose and quite a bit of fun to play. I was originally sent out as part of a plot for woodsy type people. Trying to hook them onto becoming part of a clan of fae type creatures who lived in the local area of the town. As this character and adding the fact it was me playing her. I became well liked and got to go out attempting to help further the plot even more. It was especially helpful for those who wrote the plot, they knew I was responsible, likeable and knew the plot line well enough to send me out when they couldn't.
Also I might add, this as this particular character I was green on ALL showing skin, so that made things interesting as well. Despite having been in theater for YEARS. my years of NPCing and larping did more to help me gain MANY skill points in disguise, costuming and make-up. Which helps immensely with my cos-play and costuming now. One of my favorite things I have found is barrier spray! Let me tell you if you do costuming with make-up at all, invest in this stuff, it's AMAZING!
The one thing I did emphasize was the fact I didn't like buildings. They were made of dead friends and trees which my sister's were connected to. Yes, yes I know it sounds VERY hippy like, but shh, DRYAD! So there was one particular event, where it was rainy almost the entire weekend. Covered in green make-up almost from head to toe, I put on my smiles, and wandered into town to help with this plot. Wandering near, but not into the tavern, I spent a good couple of hours taunting some of the other folks who were hiding. By the time I was done, I had a lot of the townsfolk laughing hysterically and had even convinced some of them that, "they needed watering so they should come out and play in the puddles with me." Was a fantastic time.
The second time that comes to mind was for one of the games I play. There when I am able to go, I play a little Cleric of Radiance. I had just had a VERY charged weekend, where I'd been chosen by my Avatar, "The Voice of Radiance" and helped defeate a big bad in that particular plot. Might I add this was my VERY FIRST event as this character. But it had been amazing! I LOVE it at larps when I barely have a moment of rest, and this had definitely been one of those events. This was Sunday morning and lots of the folks were tired, plus it was truly downpouring. But as people hid in the tavern, we were attacked by dragon looking baddies. Most of the folks hid in the door way to the tavern, fighting from there.
However myself and about 5 others, out of the 60 or so players who were inside the tavern, PUSHED the front line outside and into the pouring rain. I WASN'T going to hide inside and let them take us! As it went on, it ended up being me fighting along side these 5 others, yelling out to keep the line together! Was exhillerating and SO MUCH FUN. After a while I couldn't even tell it was raining any longer because I was just having a blast, helping the brave few push the evil away and help to save those hiding from the pouring rain in the tavern. It felt great all of us who were outside came back in after smiling and happy, people thanking us for pulling our "crazy antics"!
Needless to say, it just shows that when I do something I go ALL out. No holding back, all or nothing. As I am having my fun I do my very best to take other's with me and help with them having the best possible time I can as well. Thanks to my charisma scores it usually works pretty well. I guess it's in my nature to try and help people where I can, even if it's just to stop being afraid of the rain and come out to have fun! But again, it's one of my merits / flaws, honestly with that one not sure which it is, maybe both?
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