Friday, July 26, 2013

Real Life Fireballs, Wait, Why?

    Apparently this week I have more to talk about.  Today I'd like to talk about the return of Captain Mosquito.  While I'd been happily being devoid of his presence recently.  In my happiness in life I had almost forgotten the stalkeresk treatment this person gave me, apparently he was just waiting the "right time".  Despite many attempts to use my diplomacy at first and trip / push back spells later on to make him go away he decided to come back in full force yesterday.  I mean the fact that he knows I have found a life questing partner, who I am quite happy being with, he decided that it was time to continue the unwanted pursuit is even worse.  I really never did anything but be nice and talk to said person to cause him to aggro on me.  I have tried very hard to let him down, even be completely brutally honest with him, that I am SUPER not interested and no amount of persistence is going to change that for him.

    So yesterday after actually asking for a date again.  I pulled out some of my flame spells.  I told him to stop contacting me, that I was getting ready to spend a lot of time with my boyfriend over the next couple of weeks and that he didn't have a chance EVER.  I had said these things before in much nicer terms, but without the I have a boyfriend part.  After I told him off, for the last time, I used my Banish spell and removed and blocked him from contacting me.  Which is not something I often do.  So needless to say, I had to be a lot meaner then normal, and actually pull out a flame spell or two.  Which usually I'm a very, calm, person.  So it was quite frustrating.  I think I did the correct thing as this guy has not gotten the message previously. 

    I still don't really understand, how or why I aggro some of these people so much and for so long.  I do believe it is a thing I will never understand, I believe that people think this way of me, but I am ok with the fact that it's just the way it happens.  At this point I am happy with where I am and all that jazz so, hopefully there will be no more fire spells in my near future. 


Thursday, July 25, 2013

Shocking the World with Real Life Strength

    I am just going to have to deal with the fact that my job has been taking me from this lately.  I know it's sad and some of my readers have wished I'd be able to keep up daily as I used to, but that just isn't something that can happen right now.  I have been getting much work from the Tower of Transcriptions, i.e. my higher ups, to keep me much more occupied then ever expected.  I am enjoying the work and it's been keeping me busy while there, so I can't really complain.  I do miss writing the amusement in gamer terms daily that this gave, but honestly, this job brings in the gold so that I can get to the end of some of my Achievements I've been working on.  I'll get back to it daily perhaps, but for now, just posting when I can to let you all know that I'm still here, still gaming, still being my normal geeky self.  Just dealing with a lot of the real life stuff as well.

    I know I've talked about dreams before.  But this is a little different spin on them.  While en-route back from my job which uses my intelligence score all day long, I ended up falling asleep.  While I quickly started dreaming.  Now I don't know where it came from, though it could have been inspired by the massive amounts of storms we've had recently, or thinking about a particular Pathfinder character I haven't played in a while.  Suddenly I was a white haired, mage, who harnessed the power of lightning specifically.  I was part of a team of "superheroes" who all had very different powers then the normal team you see in the comic books or cartoons.  It was all people who are part of my own adventuring party, who I normal would spend time with anyway.  Just a hugely different skill set for all of us.

    I feel like perhaps it was somewhat my self conscious' way of telling me it's still there and kicking.  Also telling me it misses being let out.  I have been trying to take a day a week to write, a day a week to do this and a day a week to in general veg out.  Just so I can keep myself up on things that I SHOULD be doing.  Gotta keep up with the things that make me, me.  I also have been having a lot of happiness in other parts of my real life.  Some of which have included gaming with my life questing partner, sometimes for an entire night, hanging out with some new adventuring folks and trying to work on fixing my biggest achievements.  Life has certainly taking different turns then I ever expected.  But again, the way that things have gone I am happy.

    So here we go, time to fly back to the world of shocking the supervisors with my good work.  Tune in next time to hear more of this little gamer ladies anecdotes and fun quirks about gaming.  Sadly it'll be much like Fox and Firefly, no idea what day or time.  But I'll be back.


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Real Life Achievements, Achievements, Achievements. The Ding Keeps Going Off.

    I've been horrible, horrible about getting my anecdotal posts out there for all of you to enjoy.  Horrible at keeping up with my book writing, horrible at keeping up with my online gaming.  Well other then my weekly Pathfinder game with my amazing and wonderful questing partner and other friends as well as the singular night of a LAN party I went to this past weekend.  Things have been crazy pants, but really really good here in real life world.  I've been enjoying all of the rewards of the achievements I've gotten lately.  Lots of good has happened and yes I still have a ways to go on certain bigger achievements in my life but.  I can't completely complain as I've enjoyed the mini ones that I've been getting lately. 

    Last Tuesday I actually ended up earning two Achievements on my way to the big one of "License to Drive."  So it was a good day.  I went to my official last day of my battle with the judicial systems for the area.  I am officially done with that boss fight and I have emerged victorious!  With very little damage on the whole.  It took a very long time to get through this boss fight, as there were several adds which I had to fight on the way through.  But now I'm there.  This has earned me the achievement, "System Beater."  As I got through it all with only having to pay a little gold to the state for that one.  As I had a free day of downtime I was also able to earn the first achievement in a series of three so far, "Tax Free, One Down, Two to Go."  So that was very exciting.  This week I will be getting the mini achievement, "Restoration."  I'll be finally getting my reinstatement for my license in CT.  Then it's a quick bit of more payment and I will have my achievement "License to Drive."  From there it's just a bit of a wait and saving my gold to get my next achievement, "Time to Go."  Where I will actually have a vehicle again.  So things with that are finally progressing nicely!

    Today I received yet another achievement.  I actually got my notice letting me know that I get to go sit down with HR and finally be officially part of the scribes here at the job which has been keeping me so busy every day lately.  So as of Monday I will have gotten the achievement I was waiting on, "Officially Official."  I am super amounts of excited!  I knew it was coming, I just didn't realize it was going to be this soon.  As my contract through the other place doesn't end until August.  But hey, I'm not complaining and I'm extremely excited.  This means a whole lot of other things that will help me breath even more of a sign of relief.  Shiny!

    I also was finally able to sit down and scribe out more of my book last night.  In my usual fashion I sat down to write and play into the Bardic side of my personality and poof there were 2 more full sized pages.  So I am quite ripe for the writing again.  I just have to make sure I roll my concentration to do it.  Which I've started pressing upon myself as was the case last night. 

    There has been so much to look forward to.  I'm excited to say that real life has been more exciting the gaming.  From the happiness I've been finding with my transcribing and code breaking at the job to the complete happiness that I've been finding in my questing partner, he has been amazing with some of my mini-boss fights that I've had to deal with and tackle before some of these moving forward things.  Keeping me feeling supported, comfortable and happy.  Things have been great.  The achievements and life moving forward bits have been fantastic as well.  Truly this seems like the past few years of trials and boss fights are finally working themselves out!  Now I think things are truly allowing me to get back to some of the other things that I have been neglecting due to adjustment time with everything.