In video games often times, there are special little challenges which are meta-goals outside of the main part of the game. Fun little goals that you can reach for and attempt to get. Things to make the game play extend just a LITTLE bit and give you something extra that helps you feel accomplished, whether it's a title you get in the game because you have SO MANY PETS *cough* I mean, I know nothing of this, so many kills, a certain amount of items you've collected, healing a certain number of dead on the ground, etc etc etc. It's fun and silly and adds to the game.
So along these lines, I've been equating a lot of the little goals in life to achievements lately. I had quite a few of them back in the fall, Achievement Unlocked, moved back to my hometown. Achievement Unlocked, find new job (granted that one has been a battle for a while and it's part time, but it's a job and right now that's the most important part), title for that particular extra goal was The Employed. Achievement Unlocked, remove myself from a lot of the drama filled situations that my life had been filled with, that one I believe came with the title of Flame Fighter. As I said, lots of achievements in my life lately. I can hear the noise for getting said achievements in my head as I talk about them. Wonder which title I should wander around with today. Ok back to the point, no more tangents.
I've had a BIG achievement I've been dealing with for a little while now. I'd like to say I've been diligent and hacking at it as much as I aught to have been, but I truly haven't. It seems as of right now however, that I am about ready to start actually working at it hard core. As I have been level grinding for a while now, it's finally time to buckle down and work on it. I mean this whole time I've been working on a part of it, i.e. find a better and full time job, but now it's time to start on the hard parts. The parts that will make things with my gold farming a slight bit tighter, but once I'm done with all of the tiers to get to the title, I will feel SO accomplished, happy and proud. It'll make all the hard work to get there completely worth it in the end. So here goes!
Seriously, I'm all about sharing the good, the bad and the ugly, so please feel free to reply with how you're confronting your own personal achievements that life is making you work on. Maybe we can have some good advice for each other on how to deal with it all!
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