Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic, Good, and Evil, these are the traditional alignments those of us who do d20 table top gaming are used to. Most of the time people CAN fall into these categories, and as with any good d20 game we can change alignments along the way. Something I've always found interesting, going back to my roots with White Wolf and the World of Darkness is their Nature/Demeanor rather then alignment. I somewhat feel that this one is much closer to what actually happens in life. Because a person's perception of what is good and bad really does differ from person to person. I mean, I know we all joke about some of the people we've met in life being oh I don't know, Chaotic Stupid, but even that person may not seem that way to other people.
I've had a lot of conversations lately, with "my crew." We've been talking about making up our own little alignment topics. I don't think anyone's brought up the Chaotic Stupid before, I think that's a new one. Coined, all mine! I do think that honestly a lot of the Arctypes from WoD would work in our system. Just add lawful, neutral or chaotic to them and there we go. I mean come on, I can tell you I know a few chaotic visionary's myself. On the other hand I've also seen a lawful rogue or two in my time, and no I'm not saying that any of MY crew is particularly that, just, I've seen them.
Also, I'm not saying that each person thinks in terms of good or bad, lawful or chaotic. Or that every person just has a Nature and Demeanor. I am a VERY social person and make friends pretty easily. I'm also the person that people tend to open up to. Being that I do ACTUALLY care about people in general. So I see the layers involved in each person often. But I do see that people are driven by what they are truly like when you strip away the way they want to seem. Even if they don't always even realize it themselves.
As this has been something that's come up in my crew over the past couple of months, it's something that has been on my mind. I really believe that it's a combination of a few things. I definitely watch people in my crew who try to be the best people they can, do the right thing, but do it in a way that makes sense to them. In my head that makes them good people, perhaps not in the eyes of someone else. I mean come on, with a bunch of folks who love being Celebrants, and chaotic in their D&D form of roguishness what can you ask for. It's certain that this little Chaotic, Good, Celebrant/Survivor/Caregiver/Dreamer couldn't tell you exactly what's right or wrong, because I too am flawed. But I know what I feel is right and see a lot of my crew being just that. Not too much "chaotic stupid" going on around these parts.
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