Monday, April 22, 2013

Can't I Just Use My Real Life Dot's in Time to See What's Next?

    F.O.I.G (we pronounce it like it's spelled to keep it simple, yay made up words, or something), or find out in game, is a phrase that which those of us who've been gaming or larping for a while know.  It's basically when the plot writer, GM/ST/DM informs you, just wait, you'll find out as the plots unfolds.  It's a term I find myself using for my players in larps that I have or currently write plots for and I definitely use it for players when I run tabletop games.  I just don't want to give away too much information ahead of time.  I don't like giving things away, because I'd much rather allow them to have the experience when it happens in game.  I know that I'm just as bad about it when I'm in a game or playing at a larp as well.  I know, I know, patience is a virtue and good to practice.  But, when a plot is good, you want to know EVERYTHING EVER!!!

    Lately, life has been kinda like that.  Usually I'm a fairly patient person, letting myself just relax and let life come when it comes.  But there's been a few things right now that I just, don't want to wait to f.o.i.g, I want to know now!!  Things dealing with the mess with my car, I'm starting to work on and try to get through it, but I'd love to have some sort of vision to the future to see what I decide to do.  Things with new jobs, I'm still in contact with, but waiting to hear from a couple on whether or not they are definitely going to happen.  Things with my living situation, I'd REALLY like to know SO RIGHT NOW!!!  If I'm going to be able to achieve my goals with that.  I'd really much rather know before I get to that particular plot line so I can have a heads up then wait and f.o.i.g.  I know that's not how it works, and I need to allow my patience and optimism that are part of my nature to take over.

    Though I do know that one of the things that does make it tougher is the fact in today society we have a very, instant gratification mindset.  Not many of us have the patience to wait something out.  Though honestly if something's truly the right and a good thing, it's worth the wait.  But we as a societal whole were not always taught that about life.  We want it and we want it now!  Now I definitely stand by the thought process that it isn't just nature or nurture but rather both.  However, the learned behaviors sometimes do create these ideals that ignore the fact that we have very different natures then that.  Eventually we come back and remember, hey wait...that's not me.  But for a time, we have hiccups and don't want to wait to f.o.i.g.  But honestly I promise, if it's worth it, down the road the wait will seem like the smallest things in the world.



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