Seeing it's a tough week all around and I've been running into adds from the boss fight with the owner of the company, he's sending his minions (the aforementioned traitorous co-workers) to yell at me and has gone into a mode where I can't use any attacks on him, which is better then yesterday where I actually incurred aggro a couple of times and took a couple of sonic attacks. I guess I'm not going to be able to pass my "hide in plain sight" checks EVERY time (note to self up my points in stealth). But a girl can hope! I'm going to post about something COMPLETELY different and amusing and well, seeing it happened here at work today shortly after my run in with the boss' adds.
So just a few moments after I had aggro'd the boss' adds here at work a guy walked in. I did a triple take as I swear this guy was a clone or something of another friend of mine. The guy even had the same smile and seeming nature about him. The biggest difference in appearance was this guy's hair was about shoulder length and my friend's is MUCH longer, and as far as I know, he wouldn't cut it that short anytime soon. The other thing that made me think it wasn't him, was that my friend lives and works in another state, and I'm pretty sure anyone who works here wouldn't be looking for his particular work. But it did throw me for a loop. It turned out the guy was here to fix one of my co-worker's cars but it was amusing and made me smile a bit to see someone's doppelganger here at my place of employment.
The more amusing part is the guy smiled and looked at me curiously as well, almost as if he knew me as well. Not sure what that was about as it WASN'T my friend. But it is what added to my amusement of the whole thing. Perhaps he was just smiling at the girl behind the glass as I was on the phone and hadn't been able to get to talking to him as of yet. Or perhaps I am a doppelganger of one of his friends or something, not sure how I feel about there being more then one me, but eh, it's a distinct possibility. I've heard rumors of such things before. Though the last one I heard about was a blonde (which is weird in itself) version of myself and lived in FL, but who knows.
This isn't the first time I've run into doppelgangers of friends, and I'm sure it won't be the last. But I always wonder if we see these as looking like our friends because we're missing that particular person or if genetics truly does only have so many patterns, with SLIGHT differences. Either way, I love seeing doppelgangers it makes me smile and think of the people whom these doubles look like. It also makes me think of all the jokes that people make about cloning other's when they think that person is particularly awesome and such. Then again, who knows, perhaps there is some scientist out there who IS going about cloning people, I mean we've seen sheep right?
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