So today was my Grandmother's ninetieth birthday. She hasn't been doing well for a while health wise, but she has lived a long life indeed. There was a LONG visit with her today and this weekend we're having a surprise party for her. We know she won't be around too much longer so we've been trying to spend as much time with her as possible. It really makes me think about all the things I'm involved with in my life, and I wonder if I will still be a nerdy old lady when and if I get there. She is MUCH more all about clothes, shoes, and jewelry then I am, but she has been since she was young. I wonder if I will be proud of my life or look back with sadness and regret.
Seeing life truly can be how you take the things that happen to you and react to them. I'm pretty confident I will be ok with where I've been and what I've done. Yes, I still have my gaming, movies, books and write fantasy and sci-fi novels, but you know, I don't see those things as immature or as things I should be ashamed of. Part of the reason I started this blog was to show people that it is COMPLETELY ok to be female and a geek. Not to mention the adult part.
One of my favorite quotes is by C.S. Lewis, "When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up." I think it truly shows a maturity to be able to proudly display the fact you enjoy the things that some might see as childish. I love being able to tell someone that I'm a gamer of many stripes, explaining to someone what larping is or tell someone about my tabletop game I just played. To have conversations with people regarding this new video game I played just last week or to quote Star Wars, Trek, Doctor Who or even the Princess Bride ad infinitum.
I don't think enough people show their geek pride, even though at this point it is very much so something that is totally ok. Granted, I am going to make the hipster comment here, I toted that flag before geek sheek came about which makes it sorta cool to be a geek, nerd or some form of what used to be seen as the outcasts from the "popular kids." Again, ashamed at myself for saying that, but it's true. I seriously think we all should be proud of the fact that we can figure out Thaco, can quote ALL of the Star Wars movies, can sit and talk theories of breaking the space time continuum and the next sentence be bursting out into Elven or Klingon or that comic book character we love so much, *cough* Deadpool, Ivy or Green Arrow *cough* I think we should relish in what we are and stop trying to hide it.
Be yourself, don't let the opinions of other's tear you down, make you hide who you are or lower your intelligence when you talk to the general public. If they don't get what you're saying, perhaps they should look some of it up. Thanks to modern technology we have VAST amounts of knowledge at the stroke of a few buttons, I would LOVE to make a Neuromancer comment here, but I'll be good about that. I mean come on, we even have dictionaries on line at this point. Let them learn a bit. It's time we all started thinking, acting and learning for ourselves.
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