So lets talk video games, as that's something I haven't done on here yet. I happen to like a lot of video games and play a bunch of them. There are some I play and well they don't leave a lasting impression and I even forget I played them until someone reminds me what they were about. Then there are games which peak my interest, drag me in and decide they are not going to let go. One of those games is the game Portal by the The Valve Corporation, actually both their games Portal 1 and 2 did this to me. I find myself to this day bringing up the antics, quoting them and just in general having such fond memories about a game.
In the first game, which both are first person puzzle platform games, where you find yourself in the Aperture Science Testing Facility and you have to solve your way to defeating GLaDOS (Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System) to win tasty cake to eat. All the while GLaDOS is trying to thwart and perhaps even kill you. When you finally confront GLaDOS you are able to defeat and destroy her. You end up outside and get dragged back in. In the final scene there is the cake of promised awesomeness! Then you see a robot arm put out the candle...which leads to the second game.
At the start of the first game, you wake up to a different voice attempting to wake you up. Seeing that you're alive he gets all excited. He informs you it's been a few years and introduces himself at Wheatley. He is anxious to leave the facility as it is deteriorating around you both. You go through more of the complex and awesome puzzles to get through and find GLaDOS who wakes up. Remembering you were the one who "killed" her she has an issue with you. There is a transfer and Wheatley ends up in the mainframe rather the GLaDOS. He quickly shows the meaning of the quote, "Absolute power corrupts absolutely" and turns on you. Meanwhile GLaDOS is forced into a potato battery. You and GLaDOS are knocked into the bowels of the facility and work your way through the "years of Aperture" To get out.
Wheatley proceeds to attempt to kill you through testing and other such things, you as Chell are able to trick him into destroying something, becoming corrupted and transferring from GLaDOS' body in all the chaos Wheatley is knocked into space, GLaDOS is back in her body, and she wants you gone from the facility forever. She lets you go, it is quite the triumphant feel as you ascend the Elevator and listen to the Turret Opera. Wheatley is stuck in space, GLaDOS is erasing her memory of you and you are free, with the Companion Cube! Success!
Needless to say, I have played both of these games a couple of times. Now don't get me wrong I love my FPS', my RPGs, my fighting games, and of course my 8-bit old school stuff I grew up on. But for some reason this game, just struck a chord in me and with me and does every time I play it again. They are probably my two favorite games of all times. Think about it, what game would you play over and over and constantly find enjoyment out of? Maybe you should do that again...soon!
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