In life there are still vultures who attempt to get the attention of people. Generally those are the ones who try and swoop in just after a break up or heart break. Trying to pick off the easy target, swooping in with their lecherous ways and often times it works on those who're heart broken and hurting, because at that point at least for a lot of us, it's a type of attention that makes us feel good about ourselves, even if it's not from a healthy and possibly good source. Generally the vultures lead to more hurt and upset and sometimes can even leave you dead in your tracks.
Then you have the skunks (I had been calling these people cabbages, however skunks in my view are cuter and still can have an awful smell). They are the folks who perhaps are fun to flirt with, look nice, or are in some way attractive to you and then you get to know them, have them be too pushy, get to clingy when you need space, or just in general start to show their "smelly" side (sometimes it's a mean streak or anger issues, sometimes it's an inability to be honest about things, many things can qualify). The things that make you decide, um, no, no thank you, no. Generally you walk away as fast as you can from these people due to the trouble, drama, and other problems that come with that territory. If you do get yourself stuck in a situation with one of these folks, it also can end up with both parties hurt due to shutting off the problems and ignoring them, causing it all to explode in a very volatile manner, sometimes when you were friends with the person first, it can ruin everything that was there to begin with.
Now, lately I've been dealing mostly with mosquitoes. These are the people who you are not even remotely interested in ever, and you have never given them reason to believe you are who buzz as near as they can and try to get a taste, when you swat at them ie tell them no, not interested, they continue to come back in force. They keep asking you out, attempting to "woo" you, trying to get you to let them feed and let them in. It gets to the point that you find yourself pulling out the big guns and truly shooting them down with fiery passion when they get to the point of actually poking and piercing skin. I know recently I've had to smack several of those down, pulling out my air spells and hitting the number 4 to push them back and then switching to fire and hitting the numbers 1 and 2 repeatedly.
I realize that some of the mosquitoes have probably seen how I am with some of my friends, as I AM very cuddly, huggy, and bestowing of flirtatious attention with some of them and have assumed I am that way with everyone. I am not however. There is a certain level of comfort that is required for me to be able to get to that point with someone. With some of the folks in my life, it's been there since the day we met, even some of those folks it's because I basically have known them before I knew them as they're close with "My Crew". This is not a thing which happens often, however the other people I am that way with are mostly people I have been "partied" with for years. They're part of my crew and been travelling the 'Verse with me for a good long while now. I love that I am that comfortable with some of my friends, however, the point was, when I say no and push the mosquitoes back with my air spell, they should listen and back off, before this little glass cannon calls in her resident tanks to beat them down.
I do know that there are those out there, who I do enjoy the attention from, and would be open to possibilities happening, down the road. But I also know what I like, don't like, what I'm looking for and am not going to settle for people who can't allow me to be my geeky self, share my life as well as theirs. Those who're looking for "the trophy girl" and "ooo look pretty" need not apply.
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