Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Meanwhile, in the World in My Head

    Seeing as right now I'm being completely distracted today by one of the novels I've been working on.  All I could think this morning as I was getting ready for work was, I don't want to work, I just want to stay home and write all day.  I know it's cheesy but you know what, it makes me laugh and is SO true today.  I mean come on if you had the ability, wouldn't you want to stay home and work on something you love doing rather then going to a job where you have to pass stealth checks and try to find things to keep yourself occupied all day?  I am extremely lucky in the sense that I can pull up my novels and write while I'm here every day.

    I am currently in the middle of three novels that I'm writing, two of which I'm actively working on regularly, the third is a project which I HAD to walk away from due to being stuck.  Yay for inspiration and where she takes all of those for whom she commands, she is a hard leader sometimes and demands much, only sometimes though.  I have the type of brain that I just have to work on a couple of things at once.  Otherwise I'll get stuck and stagnant in the one, which will only cause me to walk away from the project and stop writing it.  I know myself in this aspect and therefor I have a couple things to work on at all times.

    The two that I am actively working on right now are actually from the same world.  One is about a cleric who ends up surrounded by a bunch of rogues after the evil which she fights, starts attacking and the rogues hide her, get her out and really show her the world in which they live.  She becomes a part of their "family" and it shows her adventures going forward, from when her temple falls until the story is done.  A lot of it is based on my own life's adventures.  Let me tell you, if people knew the little goody goody I was back in the day, you'd be amazed at where I am now.  There are some who still remember when I was "young, innocent and wore pastel ribbons in my hair." Yes, that was a direct quote from a friend about where we were when we met each other.  I'm not saying I've become corrupt, far from it, just, out of my shell and a lot of that had to do with being introduced to the freedom and chaos of my roguish friends.

    The second is about the rogues in the city the cleric is going to end up in, some of which down the road I already have planned for guest appearances in both story lines.  Where one of the rogues guilds end up with a massive take over, and what happens to the head of that old guild.  What she does, who she blames, how she adjusts and where that whole adventure takes her.  She is still one of the best and can "charm" just about anyone, however, she is also constantly plotting a way to get out, a way to find her friends and a way to get back at the current guild who destroyed her old one.  Essentially it's her adventure on her race towards freedom and her own life again.  This story was honestly inspired by a lot of the more recent events of my own life, and trying to get myself back to where I need to be to move forward.  Plus, come on, it's about a rogues and rogues guild business, and really that's some fun stuff!

    It's been really fun to work on these projects.  I know with a lot of authors, I'm not saying it's a bad thing and it happens even in some of my favorite books, they tell a story about the main character and only somewhat show you the whole world the characters are living in.  This is something I have been trying very hard to do and so far I have felt with working on these stories lines in the same world, it's helping to flush out and show all of it.  It's fun to make characters come to life, believe me.  But I have been learning that I truly enjoy making a new world for people to fall headlong into, read, and see spring to life.

    I know growing up I had worlds in my head which I escaped to, with each book I read, each game with my toys I played and sometimes I would start writing even as a little girl (I have an entire set of 10 children's stories that I started when I was 10, which I need an illustrator for) and I'm learning how fun it is to share those worlds while I write them on paper.  Hoping that someday the world that I have started to create will inspire someone else to see it in their head.  I look forward to that day with all my heart!


  1. If you haven't read them, you should check out the Lyra novels by Patricia C. Wrede - they have a lot of good fantasy world-building in them, and while Ms. Wrede's writing has gotten better in the years since they were published, they're still great stories. Your description of the stories you're working on reminded me of them, a bit. :)
