Monday, March 4, 2013

Dodge! Avoiding the AOE's of Real Life Drama

    Drama, it's hurtful, frustrating and causes MASSIVE AOE's (Area of effect) to everyone around it or hit by it.  The conditional damage and DOT's (damage over time) caused by the stupid of it is never worth the effort of paying attention to it, because if you do, you give those people power over you.  Lately I've done a very good job at avoiding it, walking away from both drama itself and the people who were causing it.  Honestly, I've been happier for it.

    Part of that has been realizing that it doesn't make me a bad person to walk away from some of the people who have to be the center of attention.  Who are constantly in competition for things, or just putting an opinion or nose in where it is no concern of theirs.  I've had to re-evaluate those people I have had close to me and dodge out of the bad situations.  I had to realize that I too have a lot on my own plate and really don't have a lot of time for people who are just looking to cause trouble, break up friendships, throw fits and just in general make everyone else as miserable as they are.

    Many people have mentioned the change in my general attitude.  I'm happier more often.  I'm not hiding away because of being pushed around or walked over by someone who has to be the king or queen.  I've been able to breath, smile, live, heal and just walk upright for the first time in a long time.  It's been truly awesome and makes me feel like I have been able to beat the boss and avoid the AOE's that life throws through those people.  Perhaps I am better at "The Safety Dance"  when it comes to walls of fire rushing at me, then I thought!

    So really, don't let yourself be dragged down by the stupid that is drama.  Play the dodge game, beat the boss and walk away with your head held high!  Because you are worth it!


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