Thursday, March 7, 2013

Needing a Bacta Tank Stat!

    As I am extremely sick today, I have been pretty much sitting around catching up on the shows I actually keep up with.  So I really didn't prepare any sort of thing to write about, couldn't really think of anything to write about.  However in the interest of what I've been doing tonight I think I might be able to come up with something little before I go back to falling asleep watching some of my favorite shows.

    It's amazing the impact of different media in our lives.  Take Firefly for example.  This show was one season and a movie which had some serious continuity issues (don't get me wrong, it's one of my favorite shows of all times and I still love both and watch them often), but that one season had a HUGE impact on the geek community.  I mean some of us even celebrate Brown Coat Day (December 9th for those who're not up with the Firefly fandom).  It was an truly amazing show, I mean a lot of us in the geek communities still use quotes from it on a daily basis.  But it was one season of awesome, where there have been many things that have gone on for YEARS and not had such an impact.

    Look at Star Trek and Star Wars(there is still only one trilogy so far) , they made such an impact there are even conventions for both, and video games and merchandise.  They have been around years and have shaped entire communities to the point of reverence of these worlds.  I'm not going to lie, I personally own 3 or 4 of the toy light sabers, have read SO MANY Star Wars books, grew up on Star Trek, TNG, and DS9.   They are things that are just bred into us as a culture.  One of the things I don't do is speak Klingon, but there are many who have taken the time to learn this language which sprang from Gene Roddenberry's mind...I DO know some Elfish however...but that's a story for another day.

    Bring on Doctor Who, who doesn't recognize the big blue police box in the geek world today.  Or jump when they hear the word "Exterminate"  As a life long Whovian myself, I get OVERWHELMINGLY excited when the next season is coming out (March 30th).  To see each new travelling companion and Doctor, so far I adore Clara and can't wait to see what she does next!  To see how each reincarnation of the Doctor has the TARDIS change just a bit.  This show definitely had humble beginnings has come SUCH a long way it amazes me.  It has been such a big part of even my life that I couldn't see myself not watching it now.

    These things bring us worlds for us to enter, share in, and watch unfold in front of us.  Places where we feel safe and connect to them in ways that sometimes end up surprising even us.  It takes some truly creative and inventive minds to bring those worlds to life.  As a writer myself it inspires me to keep at it, to move forward and keep going because perhaps someday they will make a show out of my stories which will live in the hearts of future generations of geekiness which in my mind would be absolutely FANTASTIC!  

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