Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Bad Active Gamer Girl is Bad.

    Sorry guys, I've been working my little butt off with all of the cyphers, puzzles and codes I've had to break.  When not there, I've been spending a lot of time actually out and about on adventures, or even those where it's been quiet downtime being happy and relaxing.  That has been a lot of what's been going on as well.  Not me being lazy and just not doing anything, but spending time doing things.  Mostly with one particular fellow adventurer lately.  But sometimes there are girls nights, like last night.  Where not only did we have fun, eat our sustinance, but we also talked about what's going on in our lives with work things, life things, and worked on some clay projects for the upcoming, Mutton and Mead Faire.  Which should be a good time and I'm very much looking forward to being able to make people smile with the Bright Eyed Creatures, and of course dressing as if I were what one of the imps turn into after about 1000 years.  A grown up imp as it were.  It should be a blast!  If you have a free weekend, you all should come out and visit! 

    As for what I'd love to talk about today, it has to wait as I've got more codes and ecryptions to do and get to keep moving forward in that.  Have to keep moving forward.  I promise I will come back to making more of my anecdotal posts again soon.  Just have to get through all of my training and be approved for it all.  Wish me luck as I continue to roll my enigma checks and keep going forward with all of this. 

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