Tier 2 complete! I received the missives today from the higher ups. I have finished the second tier of my 3 tier achievement to be "Trained in Full" here at my still somewhat new job. Which means I'm well on my way to getting out from under the thumb of the Temporary status. Awesomeness! I THINK I might be excited about all this.
I'm finally getting the hang of balancing my days filled with my daily quests of puzzle deciphering, and code breaking with my nights and weekends which as of late have proven to be rather filled with personal fun quests. Even the newest branch of adventures and the adventurer whom I've been doing these two person quest with has been fitting in nicely with everything. Good stuff indeed! This writing thing may even become regular again. Who knows!
For today I'm going to keep it short and sweet. But I swear to you I soon will return with more anecdotal fun and crazy stories of the gamer persuasion. Until then, sleep well and dream of big women...wait...I don't envy the headache you'll have when you wake...wait...Alright, off to more deciphering, enough of the being silly!
Edit: I am happy to also announce that I have been moved to the desk where I will be staying while here. I officially have my very own little cubical which looks like it's going to stay put. Which means, I'm pretty much a sure thing for finishing up this particular achievement and moving forward! This is a happy thing indeed!
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