Thursday, June 27, 2013

Are there More Castings of Real Life Luck to be Had? Quick, Rest and Restore!

   Well I have been back up and running on normal speeds with my encryption for a couple of days now.    Their newest thing for me is to have me take all of the bigger puzzles to decipher.  Yay for being competent and catching on quickly.  They've also started having me be the first person they ask to use the magical communication devices we have to speak directly to agents who are physically in the field seeing what each person has lost.  Which I don't mind, I really enjoy talking with people and can keep up with the field agents in my transcribing what they're saying quite easily.  So I'm good with all of this.  It's something I can absolutely handle for my daily transcribing quests.  I am still very much enjoying the job after a month and a half this is a good thing. 

    We are still having the problem of adjusting to the newness of this particularly power that be.  So we are still having issues with the amount of work that we have to do.  So I was again asked by my higher ups to stay in tomorrow.  Which I don't mind so much, as tonight I will be going on an adventure with my questing partner to head off to see some others for an adventure.  So chances are it will be a late night.  Which means I can be my natural nocturnal self tonight.  NO creature of the night and therefor evil comments!  I already get enough of the I have no soul comments from being of the slightly reddish hair persuasion (I dye it a bolder shade of the auburn it actually is).

    This also means I have more time to check into my options for the next Tier on the achievement with my license I've been working on.  Though that is seriously looking as though I MAY not hit that mark by Tuesday.  I've been waiting to hear back from quite a few of the ruling parties for different places that were needed to get this process done and they just haven't gotten back to me.  Silly humans and their lack of paying attention when someone needs help.  It may put off one of my achievements for 6 months to a year, however that means I'll have a bunch of achievements all at once.  So it means a bit of inconvenience for a while longer, and then all sorts of good things all at once.  I just hope that the people who've been helping me with all my adventuring and who have been spending time with me despite everything will not get tired of such.  Just my caregiver nature peeking it's head again, worrying about others and what's going on with them. 

    So, there have been crazy highs at work and in life, and there may be a little bit of a disappointment / drawing out of the time in which I have to deal with an achievement.  But hopefully all will be well, and seriously if I go without that particular achievement for a while, it may turn into, 3 at once.  Achievement unlocked, License to Go, Achievement unlocked, Time to Drive, and Achievement unlocked, A Place of My Own.  See, I am attempting to allow the happy, shiny that usually try to surround myself with to kick in.  Just lots of nerves right now attempting at poking that bubble to burst it.  All will work out, just, might take a little longer then planned.  I just hope that those who've been with me recent will be ok with it all.  I know, I know, if they aren't then there is something to be said about the type of company I keep.  But, it's always a worry. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Who Cast Real Life Slow on the Office?! Time to Paint Things Red, so They'll Go Fasta!

    Taking advantage of the moments when I'm waiting for a transcription that I just made to move itself into the area for me to play my match up mini-game.  Let me just say last week and the start of this week have been comical.  Most of it has been a breakdown in the ways in which we receive our codes to decipher, in the overarching system in which we can even do any of our work and due to miscommunication between our machines and our communication devices.  It's been frustrating to say the least.  So needless to say, it's been a lot of hurry up and wait, a lot of slower then normal on the job and a lot of, being sent home due to lack of work.  Which makes me a little unhappy. 

    This week has started just as poorly.  Our inter-society communication is still down.  I am using someone else's password to be on the programs itself and I cannot get to anything outside of the matching mini-game.  For which there isn't a lot of work left as even my upper's are not able to get into their projects to assign them to us.  I'm hoping that before the week gets to be too stressful it will get fixed. I'm still liking my job despite these issues and I do like the people I work with immensely. 

    This past weekend I was able to help out a dear friend at the Mutton and Mead Medieval Festival, selling her adorable wares from her company of Bright Eyed Creatures!  Was a good time, albeit tiring and hot, we had fun, did lots of good business and were able to make it through.  Also my questing partner came out to visit for the end and helped with clean up.  Which made me exceptionally happy.  So glad that we found each other in this capacity.  Knowing who the other person is for many years and truly getting to know someone are completely different.  I am glad that things went in the way they did. 

    Then I finished off my weekend with some gaming goodness as my fun little Oracle, which may actually be what my levels are in life rather then full on Cleric, just seems to make more sense.  This game is with my amazing questing partner and some of his friends.  Some I have known for a while, some I'm just getting to know now.  It's been a blast.  I mean myself and the Magus took out a Manticore last night, if you don't know what those are, here.  While the rest of the party attempted to hold of a band, including a king, of Demonic Dire Weasels.  They did it as well.  Man was it amusement and fun. 

    The fun from my weekend maybe what gets me through today.  As I'm finding myself quite flustered and desiring for the going home.  I think there maybe attempts at face melting while listening to the Stanley cup playoffs tonight as I have been neglecting GW2 AND I need to blow off some steam.  But for now I head back into the land of match up mini-games and hope it turns out alright. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Real Life Newspaper Rolling and Nose Smacking.

    So it seems as though there is another "creature" which has come up in the ranks of my adventuring.  Not quite as bad as Captain Mosquito, who by the way has lowered their contact to about once every week or two lately, though still trying.  This new one might have to be some sort of Elite named creature as I have even informed him that I have begun adventuring with someone else and he still has continued to persist on his inquiries of gaining my attentions.  I have told him that I'm not interested, I have told him that I'm now happily running some quests with another person, which has been a very happy thing, which was a complete sneak attack on it's own.  But it has been very happy so far.  I have informed him that he should go after ladies his own age, and yet, it never ceases.  Sometimes I really do believe that I am just too nice to people.

    I have always wondered about this Charisma score that I have been informed I have.  I've seen it at this point so I don't complete doubt it's existence, I just often wonder how I ended up with a high score there, when I'd always thought I'd end up with a much higher Intelligence score, the type who hides in towers doing research and not the type who people decide to follow about or confess interest in pursuing.  It has never ceased to be a confusing and odd phenomenon to me.  Sure I'm friendly, kind and care about those around me.  I take care of people and do my best to be a good person, but surely that's not enough to have caused such an anomaly in a Char score as to make everything that has happened in my life, happen.  I just have never understood it at all.  Believe me I am not asking for emotional buffs, it's just my thoughts.

    So more creatures floating about, I'm still having to combat them with my air spells and truly hoping I won't have to pull out any fire to burn the creatures.  As I don't wish them ill, just to get the message, I'm not available for them!  Believe me if it gets to that particular point I will make them use their flee skill from my fire spells.  But I'd really prefer not to have that happen.  So seems like I need to cast some good luck spells and roll my dodge.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Stay on Target, Stay on Target...Almost there for Another Real Life Achievement!

    Tier 2 complete!  I received the missives today from the higher ups.  I have finished the second tier of my 3 tier achievement to be "Trained in Full" here at my still somewhat new job.  Which means I'm well on my way to getting out from under the thumb of the Temporary status.  Awesomeness!  I THINK I might be excited about all this.

    I'm finally getting the hang of balancing my days filled with my daily quests of puzzle deciphering, and code breaking with my nights and weekends which as of late have proven to be rather filled with personal fun quests.  Even the newest branch of adventures and the adventurer whom I've been doing these two person quest with has been fitting in nicely with everything.  Good stuff indeed!  This writing thing may even become regular again.  Who knows!

    For today I'm going to keep it short and sweet.  But I swear to you I soon will return with more anecdotal fun and crazy stories of the gamer persuasion.  Until then, sleep well and dream of big women...wait...I don't envy the headache you'll have when you wake...wait...Alright, off to more deciphering, enough of the being silly! 

    Edit:  I am happy to also announce that I have been moved to the desk where I will be staying while here.  I officially have my very own little cubical which looks like it's going to stay put.  Which means, I'm pretty much a sure thing for finishing up this particular achievement and moving forward!  This is a happy thing indeed!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

We Have All Pressed the Real Life Start Button.

    Again, sorry about the lack of posting, it's been crazy pants in my life lately.  Last week was insanely busy, and this week might just be shaping up to be the same.  I do actually have a topic today for you guys that I've not talked about before.  So that'll be fun!  Lately I've been thinking a lot about life things.  Thinking about what adventures got me through all the levels and quests that I have been through to get me where I am now, far from max level, but I'm starting to get to some of the better quests now and more or less done with most of my grinding.  That is until the next expansion of life and I have to level even more.  Now I've always been a big believer in the fact that we turn out the way we do both due to our environments, which is how we've been raised as well as our base genetic codes.  Some of us may have had the genetics to be thinkers, dreamers, athletes or even folks who sit at home and don't want to do anything.  Our brains / bodies are fun things.

    For me I know that a lot of my geekiness comes from my parents.  I was less then 1 years old when they decided to bring me on my first adventures to see the original "Star Trek" movie and 1 years old when I was taken to see "The Empire Strikes Back."  The first books read to me which started when I was 2 or so were The Chronicles of Narnia, The Hobbit and when I was about 7 or 8 The Lord of the Rings.  We've always had fantasy novels in the house and when we were young we ended up getting an Atari 7800, that was the one BEFORE, the 2600 which was the one where Atari systems became better known.  Then we got a Tandy RL 1000 and I was hooked on computer games.  Which is still part of my hard wiring to this day.  We didn't have a lot but what we did have was all to help further our abilities as geeky types.

    I mean as kids due to the fact that I was the darker haired pale one and my sister had the blonde hair, blue eyes and willowy look, my sister and I were even nick-named Arwyn and Galadriel.  How's that for allowing the geekiness reign.  I grew up on ST:TNG, Doctor Who, Star Wars, Battlestar and of course some of the old school stuff like Lost in Space, Buck Rogers and Dark Shadows.  From the time I was 10 years old or so my favorite movie was the Princess Bride, and from the first time I saw the 1985 version of Dune, I adored it.

    Granted I didn't start larping or tabletop RPG's until I was a tiny bit older.  But I was a geeky gamer girl from just about day one.  I really truly believe that for that I have my family to thank.  So here's to them, while we may not always get along, our adventures may take us in other directions sometimes and occasionally there are issues.  They are still my family and I am grateful for their help in  making me who I am today. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Bad Active Gamer Girl is Bad.

    Sorry guys, I've been working my little butt off with all of the cyphers, puzzles and codes I've had to break.  When not there, I've been spending a lot of time actually out and about on adventures, or even those where it's been quiet downtime being happy and relaxing.  That has been a lot of what's been going on as well.  Not me being lazy and just not doing anything, but spending time doing things.  Mostly with one particular fellow adventurer lately.  But sometimes there are girls nights, like last night.  Where not only did we have fun, eat our sustinance, but we also talked about what's going on in our lives with work things, life things, and worked on some clay projects for the upcoming, Mutton and Mead Faire.  Which should be a good time and I'm very much looking forward to being able to make people smile with the Bright Eyed Creatures, and of course dressing as if I were what one of the imps turn into after about 1000 years.  A grown up imp as it were.  It should be a blast!  If you have a free weekend, you all should come out and visit! 

    As for what I'd love to talk about today, it has to wait as I've got more codes and ecryptions to do and get to keep moving forward in that.  Have to keep moving forward.  I promise I will come back to making more of my anecdotal posts again soon.  Just have to get through all of my training and be approved for it all.  Wish me luck as I continue to roll my enigma checks and keep going forward with all of this.