Apparently this week I have more to talk about. Today I'd like to talk about the return of Captain Mosquito. While I'd been happily being devoid of his presence recently. In my happiness in life I had almost forgotten the stalkeresk treatment this person gave me, apparently he was just waiting the "right time". Despite many attempts to use my diplomacy at first and trip / push back spells later on to make him go away he decided to come back in full force yesterday. I mean the fact that he knows I have found a life questing partner, who I am quite happy being with, he decided that it was time to continue the unwanted pursuit is even worse. I really never did anything but be nice and talk to said person to cause him to aggro on me. I have tried very hard to let him down, even be completely brutally honest with him, that I am SUPER not interested and no amount of persistence is going to change that for him.
So yesterday after actually asking for a date again. I pulled out some of my flame spells. I told him to stop contacting me, that I was getting ready to spend a lot of time with my boyfriend over the next couple of weeks and that he didn't have a chance EVER. I had said these things before in much nicer terms, but without the I have a boyfriend part. After I told him off, for the last time, I used my Banish spell and removed and blocked him from contacting me. Which is not something I often do. So needless to say, I had to be a lot meaner then normal, and actually pull out a flame spell or two. Which usually I'm a very, calm, person. So it was quite frustrating. I think I did the correct thing as this guy has not gotten the message previously.
I still don't really understand, how or why I aggro some of these people so much and for so long. I do believe it is a thing I will never understand, I believe that people think this way of me, but I am ok with the fact that it's just the way it happens. At this point I am happy with where I am and all that jazz so, hopefully there will be no more fire spells in my near future.
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