Friday, March 14, 2014

Shhh...There was a Forget Spell Cast Over Here...Making it Better!

    So...I realized something came and went about two weeks ago. I completely forgot that it had been that long and would have mentioned / made a bigger deal of this happening had I remembered. There have been so many adventures each day that I have had a scatter brain. So here it is...

    I am so very grateful to all of you who keep reading weekly or bi weekly now. You guys make me feel like I've rolled natural 20's on all of my writing! So thank you! This is as much a very awesome thing for you guys as it is for me. I never would have suspected I'd have so many people each week that would continue to keep my anecdotes alive a year later!

    I look back over the posts of the last year and am in awe over where I was then, where I am now and how much has happened / how much better my life is now. I have been having some pretty bad weeks lately, but even my worst week recently is worlds better then a lot of my daily adventuring a year or two ago. It's been a grand adventure and it continues to improve as time moves forward.

    Now that that has been said, onto the adventures for this week. I have been spending a lot of my time here at the Tower the last several weeks mostly speaking with adventurers who are out in the field at people's domiciles to go through their losses and relay them to me to transcribe which I then search, code them and determine how much gold these people are getting for their items. It has made for some very long days as the conversations last for hours. I do enjoy the speaking with people portion as I am a very social little Oracle. I would say my natural diplomacy / Charisma scores help with that, but I just like people. Often times I will have to have days of absolute attempting not to fall asleep while talking with the field agents, due to long periods of searching and digging through the refuse and ash that once was a person's belongings. So it's always an adventure in itself.

    It has come to my attention that I am the favored person here at the Tower with several of our field agents, as they will specifically request me every time. I enjoy this happening, as I get to build a friendship with these people and know how they work and what to write in my transcriptions for them. Even better when I am the person who gets to search and value things, as I will know what they're talking about when I go to do so. It is a bit fun at times and I enjoy helping our field agents as much as I can. Some of my most frequent agents actually have bonded with me about various things. Such as Star Wars, gaming, and general geekery. So it makes my day even better. Lots of laughter and fun.

    I know lately I have had a lot of complaints about the Tower and the things going on here. So I figured that I would finally post something positive about it. The correspondences with our field agents not only is a fun change of pace, albeit sometimes long and tiring, but rewarding both in getting to know other people and in all actuality my ability to make gold here. So it is a good thing indeed. I wanted to reassure, those who have been reading right along, this is not turning into anything like the Dungeon, where I was earring my gold last year at this time. Just there are trying days and good days. So here's to the future of them! Huzzah!

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