Friday, March 28, 2014

Hmm...Suddenly Feeling the Need to...Start Wearing Purples, Wearing Purples...

    Change is in the air here at the Wizards Tower. As of the start of this week we officially have a new group we are working with. I am one of 5 people in my entire department who have been put through the training for this group. As usual at this job I have found myself having an easy time with it and have quickly gotten nearly back to where I am in my code breaking and transcribing numbers. It has been fun to learn something new and to add a new skill to my gold making work path. Hopefully I won't get confused between the two and change the way I do the original. But I don't see too much worry of that to be fair. It feels like they are gearing up to gain a couple more accounts and they have put me on a track to eventually be able to train people in these arts. So I'm getting ready for the implode, which this time will actually be good.

    In many ways it feels as though they are trying to turn me into their very own Elite mini boss. It keeps making me think I should get a little silver dragon edging to put around my name plate. Every time we start something new I am one of the first people trained and handed a bunch of it to get me started on that skill tree. I think I might be okay with this plan. Seeing it means all the more security on my position here at the Tower. Yay for actual good changes in the place that I make my gold! I will not complain about that, especially seeing I continue to make more gold every paycheck. As my pay is all based on the work that I do, and as I only seem to be ramping up my power levels on that every day. I don't see that changing any time soon.

    The way things are going at the Tower these last couple of weeks have started to make me feel like this:

Which is really a very good thing. As anyone who's adventured with me for any length of time can tell you with jobs, this is a rarity. I have had many jobs of horribleness and underapreciation of the work that I have done. So when I say it's really nice to breath and know that I'm doing well here, despite all the crazy days I have had, it's a good thing.

    Other things in my dailies are going as well as they have been. So I really can't complain too much about my life. So now I leave you all in peace for your day. Tune in next time for more of the silly adventures of one little Oracle who suddenly seems to be winning the game of life!

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