Monday, February 25, 2013

Aggro Management for Real Life Dating

     It's always a question of how to begin these things.  I supposed the best way to start is from the beginning.  Being one of those crazy gamer girls, I have always had options when it came to dating.  Now I'm not one of those, "Oh I just play video games, wear glasses and read SOMETIMES hehe" type girls.  I guess some would call me a hard core gamer girl, I play CCG's, video games, table top rpgs, I am a larper, I have been known to play some miniature games in my time as well, about the only thing I DON'T do is text based chat room gaming and MUD's.  I started gaming back when you HAD to know absolutely everything about all the games you played if you were a girl because it was a guys world.  Seeing from what I've been informed I've always been a relatively attractive lady, AND a gamer.  Needless to say, I have never been single for lack of someone wanting to date me.

     About eight months ago I made a decision to stay completely single for a while due to having gone from one relationship to the next for a few years now with no breaks and no healing in between.  I have always been overly caring and the first person to take care of my S/O's regardless of how much I should have been taking care of myself, they came first.  Just the way I work and am.  So lately I've been taking care of me, fixing myself and healing.  Much to the chagrin of a few, I like to call them vultures who were circling once I moved back home.  You know the type, the ones who just won't give up and accept that you're not looking for a relationship even when you say you don't want one.  There has been a couple which I have even had to threaten to walk away from friendships if they didn't back off recently, as they didn't understand the words which were coming out of my mouth.  

    Last night I was playing Guild Wars with a couple of my friends and all of a sudden we came across a Champion Undead guy (a Champion is essentially a world boss for those who don't play the game).  Now I play an Elementalist and we went to kick this guy in the head, we were doing pretty well until I noticed that no matter what sort of dodging I was doing he had decided that he wanted to hug me with death.  So I stopped any casting what-so-ever and started running around and away from him.  My three friends kept kicking him in the face trying to get him off of me, but it just wasn't working, so finally we all laid into him with MUCH DAMAGE and he died.  One of said friends, had to compare this to some of the guys who didn't get it previously without me kicking them in the head with "NO!!!"  The other two friends agreed.  

    Today while bored at work the same friend who compared these two things informed me I just needed my friends to go in and introduce themselves first, before I get too close and notice the cabbage smell.  An analogy which was regarding those folks who seem attractive at first and then you get to know them and they're not something attractive to you AT ALL, and therefor, "That vegetable is so cute let me go closer, Oh!  What is that smell!"  Therefor saving me from having to "burn them with my fire spells" i.e. tell them off for coming on too strong.  It may be a good plan I'm thinking.  Because really I'm not one of those people who LIKES hurting people, though I will burn undead any time I can.  

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