Monday, March 30, 2015

Eradication of the Plague is Key!

    Sorry folks, due to my wonderful inability to win the apparently boss fight against Bronchitis, who over the course of the last few years has seemed to become my arch nemesis in my fight against sickness, I was not able to post last week. It also means I haven't had too many exciting adventures to share with you. Other than the fact that the healers have now piled on a regiment of weapons against said boss fight. I promise I will update with more of my anecdotal battles of daily life for a female gamer soon. You'd think that with all of the hours my questing partner and I have spent killing virus' and plagues in Pandemic, I may have more weapons at my disposal for these things. Sadly, that is not the case.

    The one good thing that has happened from fighting the plague as of late is that I have managed to entertain myself with many hours of games on my device of computing at home. My questing partner and I have played many hours of Civ 5 this past week. I now understand what he has said about this game being one of those, "just one more turn and suddenly it's 4 AM," games. So that has been good and restful.

    But for now I will not bore you all with my battle against Bronchitis and it's evil minions Cough and Phlegm. I wish you safe journeys, amazing quest rewards and good path progression until I return! Also sending out a lot of love and good thoughts to a couple of people in my adventuring party and crew who are going through particularly tough times right now. Know that my thoughts, love and hugs are with you in this time in your life. <3

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