So now that all of the holidays and winter craziness is starting to calm down it seems I can finally get back to sharing all of my dailies and adventures with you all. It may be a case where I just have to remember to take a little hiatus each year around this time so that I can get my spells re-memorized and be able to move forward in my adventure. So for the break, I am so sorry! I will now be continuing with your weekly installments of anecdotal fun, frustration or battles as the case may be.
One of the battles here at the Tower that I have been dealing with off and on for the almost 2 years I've been here is with one particular person who is part of the powers that be. I have come to refer to her as the Wicked Witch. For some reason since I first asked a question of her (more than a year and a half ago) she hasn't liked me. She is rude, constantly hitting me with you're wrong spells and in general making me feel like she thinks I'm not doing the work I actually am. So, it's been a bit of a challenge to not just throw fireballs at her. Instead I have been passing my diplomacy checks, which seems to infuriate her even more. But hey, at least I have been passing the diplomacy checks, as I have been sharing my communications with the other people who are in fact my actual higher ups so that she can't get me in trouble, despite the amount she would love to somehow prove that I am doing something wrong.
Other than that the Tower has been amazing. Things here are finally getting back to normal after the crazy fall that was there. We are finally starting to bring in and train new Oracles, Wizards, and other such folks to help with our large work load. I am excited to see where all that leads! Also I am excited to share things with others. I am excited to help and teach others the abilities and skills I have learned here. It's going to be fun and I am glad to share the place where I have come to enjoy a good amount of my dailies! Sometimes I still have tough days or days which I just don't want to be anywhere near the tower, but those always pass and I return with a smile and a bounce in my step soon after.
As many of you know the holidays were a bit of a tough time for many of us. For me it was especially tough, this adventure called life cast perhaps the biggest fear spell on me I have ever dealt with in my life. I had a very large, very real scare that I perhaps might have had the big C disease. I don't believe I have been more afraid of anything in my life. Along with the biggest fear spell I also had the biggest relief I have ever encountered with the finding that all was benign. Though the healers are now somewhat nervous for me and I have to go visit them every 6 months to be tested again. So it seems as though I may never be completely out of the woods. But at least it is something that I am prepared for now.
Things with my questing partner are stronger than ever! I am not going to tell you it's all roses and sunshine, because it wouldn't be a real partnership if that was the case. We have grown in being ourselves together and are now in process working to take another step forward. But I will tell you more about that when we get closer to that big happening. (Don't worry just a little while longer on the wait for that one) I honestly couldn't see my life without him and I am so happy he has continued to join me on the path I have been walking.
Life has been continuing in a forward direction, things are happening every day that encourage me to actually get back to this and share it all with you. As I have learned the past couple of years with you all I do need the break in the winter to revamp, recharge and generally bring myself back from the craziness that is involved in that time of the year. So welcome back to the weekly installments of the adventures that come across my path!!!
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