Thursday, December 19, 2013

Through Dangers Unknown and Hardships Unnumbered, I have Found my Way to the Other Side...

    In the next couple of weeks most of us will be celebrating the craziness that is the holidays. There will be many cases of racing other carriages to get from one place to another. There will be much food casting sleep spells on all of us as we eat to the point of being very full. In many cases there will be times of casting armor on ourselves and giving ourselves buffs to deal with all the stressiness that comes with seeing ALL of our family or having to be certain places by certain times to see everyone we want or need to. Take heart however, as soon we shall be through this stretch and get us back to our normal adventuring, however crazy that in itself is.

    For me this time of year is always a time for looking back at my year or past couple of years and seeing where I was and how far I've gone. Looking at the past year, I can honestly say that I was correct. This year was for healing and fixing. I spent a good amount of time just allowing myself to have down time. Separating myself from some people who were continuously casting spells on me to make themselves feel better and bring me down and remembering or finding people who are supporting loving and don't use or abuse the fact that I am that as well. I have spent the last year or two learning about who I am, where I want to go and finding a good place for me to be myself.

    In the last year I have found a questing partner who I can actually consider a partner and a match, a person who I am completely comfortable with and have let into my heart completely. After letting myself heal and taking time to make sure that I was ready to move forward in matters of my heart. His patience with me at first and his continued ability to deal with all of my crazy makes me feel so very lucky to have found him and been able to get over the fear I had of letting someone in. I can say in complete honesty, if you aren't ready to find someone who can be your partner completely in your adventure called life then you won't. As much as you may want someone to be, once you're ready for them and they come along, it is so worth the wait.

    I have dealt with stalker types, there have been a couple (remember Captain Mosquito amongst others), and with people who just didn't understand the world and how it works. There have been giant boss battles, which I can officially say I have won. There have been large achievements which took some work, but I was able to finish them finally. There has been changes in jobs from a horrible job to the Wizards Tower, which has been one of the best things I could ever ask for in a life changing event. I had one of the worst things I could have had happen to me a year ago. I was actually hauled away by the guards from one of the towns around here and spent a night in their local dungeon. Let me tell you how "fun" that was.

    The past year or two has been filled with a lot of crazy. A lot of ups and downs, many new adventures, side quests and dailies. Even a new zone or two. All in all I can say as difficult as it was to go through a lot of it, I am glad I did. Life wouldn't seem as full, the levels I have gained in my path would not seem as complete and I may have made some very different decisions with everything in my life. A lot of the things I went through have had high prices to pay, however I have paid them all and now set forth to see if my adventures will bring me that next amazing horizon.

    So as I am not positive I will be able to post next week in lieu of all the holiday craziness I will leave you dear readers to your thoughts and reflections. I wish all of you a very safe, warm and joy filled holidays. Talk to you all, next year! Here's to 2014 being the year of better things to come!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Will Saves Required...Time to Cast ALL of the Buffs!!!!!

    Ever have one of those weeks where you seem to aggro everything and these things decide to combine and become corporeal, starting to attack you with spells which cause stressiness and to become disheartened about things? This creature which has manifested leaves you defenseless and feeling quite overwhelmed. Not able to cast spells, or even use melee attacks to get back at these newly corporeal beings of ick. Well, that is what my last week or so has been like. It has been a bunch of small things piling up together and becoming one big corporeal mini-boss fight. Silly elites and their stress spells! I have been attempting to pass my Will saves big time lately to get out of the stress and be able to get rid of this thing I have aggro-ed from my attempting to make things happy for those I love during the holidays, being physically ill and to some extent things at the Tower. This horrible Elite monster that just wants to beat me with emotional attacks has been trying to fight me the entire step of the way.

    I am SO lucky to have had my wonderful questing partner and the members of my crew / adventuring party with me on this journey. Even my fellow scholars, wizards, sorcerers, and oracles here at the Wizard's Tower have been amazing and helped immensely. Because I really don't believe that I could have made it to this point without falling in defeat otherwise. Though this week in particular has been tough despite all of this. I have found my way through and am glad it is soon to be the weekend. Hopefully all will be better this next week. It is the season for these battles to pop up in each person's life, between the shorter, darker days, the stress of the holidays and just the stress of finishing dailies on time and to the best of our ability. So I know I am not alone in my fight.

    So my friends who actually grace me with reading my adventures when I do get the chance to post them. Fear not, for there are others helping you to fight this battle and move forward through the craziness and emotional defeat which these new monsters have been trying to put on us. We will make our saving throws, and stand united as a full group party to beat these elites and get the mad epic loot which they carry inside. We will see the other side of these dark days and get through this season of badness! As we move forward, remember we are not alone, there are many in this same place and if we work together, our buffs should help each other to roll higher then we thought possible on all of our Will saves to get through. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and sending out as many buffs as I can to help everyone through this holiday season.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Leveling these Skills and Getting Achievement Points.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful day of feasting and down time with their families last week. Hopefully it was filled with lots of tasty food, resting, happy times and good memories. For me, last week's holiday involved much time with my questing partner, relaxing and fun times with my crew (also much needed), a great day full of family time AND unlocking one of my big achievements that I've been working on for almost a year. Wait...what...did I just say that? I do believe that I did say that. And yes, before you ask, I posted a little earlier then usual, I was anxious and excited to share. :)

    It took me eleven months, however as of Friday I can officially say, Achievement Unlocked [License to Drive]! It really makes me think of everything I've been through in the past year and realize that I have spent the year healing, fixing and getting myself to a point where I can actually adventure on my own if I need to. Has it been a good and rewarding thing for me to gain levels as an Oracle? Has it been something I needed to get through all of that and heal from my past? Has it been a wonderful to fix my life and be nearly ready to get back up and adventure (though not without my questing partner at this point as I kinda want to keep him around for a while)? Yes to all of these things. Has it been easy to get here? Any of my crew can tell you how many hours I spent agonizing, being upset, I'll admit it crying, and trying to work my way back to where I am right now. So, no. It was not an easy trip, but at least now I have this achievement and can move forward! Onward and Upward right? Next achievement up in my log on this particular chain, [Mount Up: Let's Drive!]

    Let me tell you, after the amazing of last week, especially the part of lots of time with my questing partner! This week has been trying at the Wizard's Tower as well as in my daily adventuring outside of the Tower. I have had lots of code breaking and transcribing things both via communication devices and through scrolls which I have to change the format of. So lots of straining my eyes to see what other people are saying, or to make sure that I have transcribed the correct things. I even had one which had been given to me in physical form instead of the normal methods. But hey, I got it done and I am finally back to happily finding items to help those who have lost everything due to horrible evil creatures of fire or water. In other words, this little Oracle is back to my job of helping people again, of which I am a fan. :)

    Outside of the Tower in my daily adventuring, I have been having some problems with sleep. I have always had some of those problems, just it seems lately they have been worsening. When in the domicile of my youth, I cannot seem to sleep early, or stay asleep long. Though I assure you my animal companion Willow, deciding that 4 in the morning is time to get up, doesn't help. Even without her "help" I tend to not sleep so well lately. I have even pushed off the alarm spell to wake me a bit later instead of getting up and dancing my way into awakeness.

    If I haven't mentioned Willow Cat before, she has been my companion for the last 11 years, she is a very pretty grey and white cat, who's grey parts look like that of Pussy Willow's, hence where her name came from. Yes I know most would assume it came from a particular movie which I loved as a child, but nope, not so much. My point about her however is I love her but she is also not helping my sleeping patterns at all. Silly girl wants to get up and play, or eat at 4 in the morning when I usually have 2 hours left until my alarm spell goes off. 

    Another thing that has been causing the tired and just in general ugh of this week is that I have somewhat been working 2 jobs. By going home from my day job and working on my crafting skills. I'm not sure how many of you know this, however I am getting close to maxing out my Candlemaking Crafting Skill. So as I have a fun place to sell these wares on Friday I have been working overtime once I get to my domicile to grind out a few levels and make more candles. I would like to have a good amount of them for the Bazaar at the Tower this Friday. As I have been asked to make things for it. It may provide some much needed extra gold and is fun in the meantime. Though I did stay up far to late into the night to finish a few levels last night. I am hoping I do not do that tonight again.

    So while I get through this week, I keep in mind that I really do have a lot of things to be thankful for and I am mostly happy. Even when things are rough, I do have so many things going my way and the way things seem to be going, I feel as though all will continue in the upwards direction. Which from my view is super happy! I am wishing everyone a fantastic week and honestly if there is ever a topic which you dear readers wish me to bring up, please feel free to let me know, either through comments, message me in private or in a way which you can get ahold or me. Write more next week, same bat time, same bat channel! <3