Continuously fighting battles with the monsters in front of her. These creatures of fear and pain battering her until she lies broken and bruised, tears streaming down her face. Their lies telling her she is not good enough, not intelligent enough, not attractive enough, telling her no one wants to hear her battle cry or have her join their party, leaving her wounds open and exposed. She feels each bite, each stab as they tear into her soul. Barely the strength to lift her head much less defeat these horrible monsters which have been her battle most of her life.
She has found her way back to her cell each night only to lay awake trying to go over each failure, each chink in her armor of self preservation and scars tissue on her soul. Wanting so badly to find some way out of their trap. She knows that she must break through in order to save herself. She must find the strength and her voice to get through these walls, and break out of her cage.
Our heroine starts to scream her battle cry, "I am enough!" She hears other voices join hers and knows she is not alone in this place. She hopes that her voice joining their's will help in each of their fights. Knowing they are not alone and that they are all together, sending her healing energies out to each of those lives who have been part of her crew, her raid and her framily. Shouting from her cage that she is with them as well.
Hello dear readers. It has been quite some time since we were last here, life has taken quite the turn and as I come to the point where I approach another cycle around the sun I am finally finding my voice again. I have flown from the Tower and found my way to a Healer's Guild of sorts, which has been wonderful. There has been five long and mostly wonderful cycles around the sun with my questing partner. There has been a lot of happiness and good things. However there has been a rough patch for me...There are many battles ahead, and much to fear in this world. But know that I too fight these fights and raise my voice and tell you all I am here standing with you. Ready and waiting to fight next to each and every one of you who are battling as I am...We are the broken, and we have the potential to change the world if we can raise our voices and be heard.
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