One of the most interesting things in life is that it is constantly throwing situations at each of us where we have to respec our talent trees or in turn re-roll as a new class of person. Each of us on our individual life path's are constantly changing, adapting and learning. It's absolutely intriguing to look at the ways each person I know has or has not changed. But in turn, we all have changed a great deal.
When we are younger everything is new, shiny and we know everything. Especially when you find yourself surrounded by people to raid with or run dungeons with for the first time in your life. You get excited and happy. You learn to adapt to other's, you learn to beat new bosses and to work with other people in that goal. Ultimately there will be people who help you in that change, whether it's because they hurt you or because they help you find your roll in the raiding party. Some people help you realize which talents you want to take on your talent tree or cause you to be more of a defensive player than an offensive player. Any way you look at it. People change. It's just something that happens.
Recently I have been finding that some people who perhaps knew me when I was just a little NEWB in this game called life seem to believe that I haven't come as far as I have. That I haven't beaten as many bosses as I have and haven't learned so many more talents on my talent tree and I have to say it has hurt and caused me to be very upset and angry. I realize they may be people who haven't seen the changes and don't know everything about where I've been over the last several years of my life path. They haven't seen the fact I've had to re-roll a few times and re-spec my entire life several times over. Honestly I don't believe that these people are worth it if they aren't going to believe that they are not the only ones who have experienced change and growth due to their own selfishness and self conscious issues, whether they're aware of it or not.
I have come a long way from where I was I was just a NEWB. I have kept a decent job here at the Tower, I have people who aren't going to continuously put me down and cause me to be in a constant state of self doubt. I have a fantastic support structure and wonderful people in my life, including my amazing questing partner who rocks my world and does his very best to be supportive and helps me through things when they're upset. I am NOT the scared, overly excited, awkward little magic user I was back then. Am I don't with my changes and my growth? Definitely not! But have I come a long way? Yes! So I suppose the only way to end this is I am me, hear me roar!
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