Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Reminders of Real Life Battle Scars

    Thanks to our wonderful data gathering software deciding it doesn't like me this morning I have time to write some of this while waiting to be able to search the world online for new data and information.  I am beginning to feel like a netrunner who just can't figure out that last password to get into the super secret plans of the big organization.  Yet I keep banging my head against it to try and get the password and try to get in.  I WILL get this done.  Just going to be a day of pure frustration I'm thinking dealing with the netrunning.  At least I will get a break from fighting with the system for an hour to speak with and transcribe something dealing with a house itself. 

    My leveling up week was fantastic.  So much fun and so much happy!  Got to spend lots of time with my questing partner as well as many of the other members of my "Crew."  I know I spent 3 of my 5 days of work at my job, but it didn't feel like it counted.  I felt as if it were a much needed vacation from all the crazy and horrible of the past couple of years.  I feel so grateful to have such wonderful people in my life and to have figured out that I was ready to have someone as my questing partner again.  As I've said before and am saying again.  Happiness is abounding there in, honestly, I hate to sound this way, but it's about time.  I know he reads this to see if he's mentioned, so there you go sweetie, making you smile at the fact you're mentioned and talked to.  :-p  Been a long run of this little lady trying to win the fight and just getting defeated and beat down.  I'm pretty sure I'm finally winning the war as I've gained a lot of good wins on personal battles lately.

    So having a single day at work where I'm banging my head against my codes and wondering why these things aren't working in the long run of successes is not too bad.  Honestly after the course of my life and all the crazy, I'm thinking I'm in a good state.  So I'll chalk it up to the gm's of life not wanting me to forget the battles that I've fought and the things I've learned over the years.  Seeing I can still see the ways these things have changed me, ie the permanent battle scars on my being that have helped me to become who and make my way to this place in my life, I am ok with this.  Because without those things in my past, I wouldn't have made it to the person I am now.  Shiny!  

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Ding, Real Life Leveling Time

    So as I "leveled up" yesterday.  I received a pretty great present from the big game we call life.  I am yet again one more step closer to my Achievement, "License to Go."  I got a piece of mail from the state of CT DMV and it informed me that my license with them is completely restored!  Let me just say how happy that made me.  This level up day had already been the best I've had so far, it just helped to make it that much better.  Now it's just a little more gold and I'll earn my title!  This was pretty big and exciting news for me in general.  As I have been waiting on that to continue this achievement.  Again, life seems to be heading in a forward, happy direction. 

    So far this leveling up time has been great!  Other then the fact that my shoulder muscles are spasming that is, there has been good food for this month's Dishcrawl.  Then there was dancing and fun with friends at our local quarterly gothy night.  Spending all of this time with my questing partner mostly and some of my other nearest and dearest.  Been so very very good.  This weekend is more fun.  Tonight will be watching things for the Bruins while playing GW2 with my questing partner, as he picked up the game last weekend.  So yay for hockey, gaming and time with him, which will be great.  There may even be some dancing at Riot tonight as well as some of my good friends are spinning in the DJ fashion.  Then tomorrow is more time out with some other friends, Sat is Six Flags!!!  Which will be fun.  And then I get to blow the dust off of my Sorcerer for one of my Pathfinder games.  Then Sun will be more Pathfinder for my other game.  SO MUCH GAMING!!!!  I am seriously looking forward to all of it. 

    Yay for things and stuff!  Luckily I've not had to pull out any more fire spells and have been shown how many people I have who truly care.  This has been the best week!  Now I'm back to the grind for one of my 3 days here this week.  Woo!