Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Heroes Are Eternal at Least to Us

Hello again dear readers. Your resident Gamer Girl here coming to you live from this corner of the world. Something that has been weighing on my mind as of late as the cycles have gone by is that I have reached a place and an age where those who I held in the highest esteem, those who are the cause of some of my own adventure paths are starting to cross over to their next adventures.

These beings and people have inspired, have shown strength, and have been warriors for things which so many of us believe in. Over the last few cycles I know I have personally been saddened by the loss of a few. Whether they are musicians on the level of Sirens, muses or very powerful Bards. Or they are idols in their chosen life paths and we see them as examples of how we want to live our lives. Sometimes it is the warriors who have been fighting their fight for so long and they were finally defeated or have gone to rest ahead and wait for us on the other side.

As of recently even my own personal heroes have started to cross over. As it would be dishonorable of me to hide the truth, it has been causing a whole lot of sadness in my own life path. This battle is one that I fear we all just need to ride through to the other side of things. Grief is a fight that often leaves us scarred for life. It does get easier to live with the pain, just as physical scars fade, but losing these people of such high esteem definitely causes us to face some things that many people fear.

Know, dear readers, that many are suffering this same type of wound. You are not alone in your fight! Some days you will fall and the tears will come. Some days you will remain strong and show Grief and Loss that they do not have a complete hold on you. Some days you will need those you consider your tribe, crew or questing party, don't be afraid to reach out to those around you if you need help in the battle. We all need a little help from time to time.

Never forget those who have gone on before us. Letting them live on in your memories and hearts keeps them alive and allows them to be Eternal in our minds. It keeps them near and above all can help us control the monsters that are Grief, Pain and Loss. Life is not always fair, but we can absolutely show the monsters in our lives that we are not pawns for them to play with. Be strong dear readers until next time!