Hello dear readers, I am posting today as myself rather than the normal anecdotal style I prefer. Mainly for one reason. Please bear with me as I will return us to our regularly scheduled storyline next time I post.
Today always marks a weird day for me. I was woken up out of a pretty dead sleep by what I can only describe as a "disturbance in the force," to a message on AIM to turn on my TV. I was one of those people transfixed to the television when everything was happening in NYC. It was horrifying and terrible to watch. Everyone frightened of what was going to happen next.
That evening I went with a group of my friends to the most numb and quiet goth night I have ever been to in my life. Everyone just standing somewhere in the rooms with their drinks, holding each other and just unsure of what came next for everything.
It was a strange day, it was a sobering day. A day that makes me look back and know that I am so lucky to have the life I have, the people I have, the ability to find magic in the mundane and the knowledge that everything could change in an instant.
In college I did a paper about how most of our society remembers exactly what they were doing, exactly what happened, etc on those days of bad things happening. Ask your grandparents or great grandparents, they will tell you exactly what they were doing when JFK was shot. Ask people who were around and functioning in 1986 when the Challenger blew up. Most of the time they will remember the big bads and not the good things.
So I challenge you all, to start remembering the good! To start seeing all the things in life that show you this magic in the mundane. To appreciate those you have and what you have. Because that is truly the best life for each and every one of us!