I mean things at The Wizard's Tower have been pretty relaxed and non-stressful. I have been mostly keeping to myself there, except for a couple select people seeing I know how much aggro I can accrue if I don't. There was a bit of aggro stupid a couple of months ago that caused me to be much more careful at work and with who I talk to about pretty much anything there.
Things are still going very well with my questing partner. We are learning how to let our spells and quests work together more and more each day. I am still super happy to have him, feel super lucky that I found him and all in all, just am so glad that we came together and decided to share our quests as we move forward on our dailies. I can no longer see myself without him in my questing and this game called life and it's an amazing path that I've been going down.
Outside of work, my crew is still the best! They are still amazing. We still have a ton of fun when we join forces for dungeons or raids, lots of good crazy times. Let's just say the support, fun, and love that comes from all of us is a great and wonderful thing. As a kid I really never had that true, "best friend" but now I have a whole crew filled with people who I would absolutely call my best friends and my chosen family. Yes, I am lucky there. I am very excited as we have some actual outdoor adventures this coming weekend. Out in the woods with streams and ponds (No, not Amy and Rory) and probably much fire and fun. I'm hoping that helps with the letting go of the grr.
So with so much good, it's really been hard to figure out why I've had such frustration at things in my dailies. I find myself so annoyed with stupidity, cattiness and drama now. I also have been finding myself becoming more judgmental of those who revel in those things. I get more and more annoyed at those people with each passing day. Not really sure where all this grump is coming from, but I suppose I will figure it out eventually. Maybe I just need to cast a Calm Person on myself every day, because I really don't know what else to do. I just have to figure out what I can do to release the frustration, perhaps it will even be as simple as starting to raise my Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores by becoming more active and such. But we shall see. This too shall pass.
So now I leave you to your own dailies and paths, hopefully I will be a little more regular in my posting and such. It's just been a hard few months to keep up with everything. But I will get back to it, I know it! As I go, I just have one thing to say in honor of the Guardians of the Galaxy movie that has been breaking the box offices with wildfire for a little while now....
He is Groot!!!